Saturday, June 11, 2011

Pretty Piggies

Part of being a girl is getting to do things that make us feel pretty :).  I have 2 beautiful daughters and it has been fun to get to do some of these girly things with them.  It isn't ever a big thing, but it always makes them feel special.

We had a toe painting party with Grandma when she was in town last year.  The girls loved it!

So happy to show off her pretty toes!

Yes, right there!

Maybe the trick is how to keep it up without having to pay lots of money for a pedicure.  I guess it's not always "lots of money", but it is money nonetheless and these days it seems pretty scarce.  I have always painted my toes, or piggies, myself, however since getting a pedicure or two in the last couple of years I have loved the cute flowers they can do...  

So then, why not do it myself?  

Well, actually I did :).  Those are my pretty toes with my own flowers.  It's pretty easy (especially after watching how the lady did it)!  I must say that adding just a little flower makes it just a little more beautiful.  

If you like it I will show you how to make that flower and the tools I used ;)